Women love tequila!

Woman drinking tequilaDenmark is a country which has been slow to take in quality tequila and which is still learning. One curious fact has however surfaced – the women of Denmark do like tequila and even more so, good quality tequila.

Denmarks only “tequila only” webshop, www.tequila.dk has been in existense for about 4 years now and experience with the customer base is growing. “We do have a funny thing with the tequila, the owner says. Most liquor is in general bought and consumed by men, but it seems that we are slightly off the trend. We do have quite a lot of women purchasing our bottlese. Most probably they are buying them to their boyfriends/husbands, but we do know for sure that quite a lot of them appreciate tequila themselves. Those of our female customers with which I have spoken, tells me that they like the tequila for it’s ability to be useful for softdrinks like margaritas AND for drinking with a couple of ice cubes. But quality is a part of it – Casa Noble is a good sell. It is excellent quality and at least here in Denmark, the “organically grown” part counts!”

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