We all know what tequila is! That is no mystery. Gran Misterio is also tequila but what’s the mystery about the tequila with the exquisite golden logo on a labyinthine backdrop? TequilaList made a small interview with the nice people of Tequila Gran Misterio – a new tequila brand.
Q: Who owns the company?
It is a familiar business owned by Architect Tomas Campuzano R. and her daughter Alejandrina Campuzano S.
Q: When was the company founded?
The Gran Misterio Project started back in 2015 by Tomas Campuzano. It was finally founded in 2017.
Q: The logo is somewhat interesting, if one takes a closer look?
The name and logo are inspired by the Mayan Labyrinth Tza Tun Tzat or Satunsat. According to the Mayans, the Satunsat represents the cave by which the first men came out, associating it with the creation of the world.
Our logo represents the meeting of two worlds, the Cortez Horse and the Feathered Serpent united by the Agave, below the death that means the Great Mystery of Mexico, all wrapped up in the Mayan Labyrinth.
Q: Do you have any thought upon what kind of consumer you are hoping to reach with your tequila?
It is premium tequila so the kind of consumer we are trying to reach is men and women above 27.
Q: What is the NOM of the product?

The big steel autoclaves used to bake the agaves for Gran Misterio at the distillery “Compañia Tequilera de Arandas”
Q: What kind of baking, extraction and distillation do you use?
We bake our agaves in eco-friendly ovens. Then the juice is obtained by tearing the pineapple. This resulting juice is fermented with kosher yeast to transform it into alcohol. Finally it is distilled twice, the first one in a traditional copper alembic, which maintains the natural flavour and essence of the tequila. The second one is made in a steel alembic, which makes the tequila soft and regulates its quality.
If you would like to reach out to Gran Misterio Tequila, here comes their contact info:
Alejandrina Campuzano S
+521 81 12 28 75 24
Fernando Garza (For Exports)
+52 1 81 17 78 95 95