Tequila Cocula

Tequila Cocula – from Forbes to fame

There is a vast number of good, and even excellent tequilas, which never make their way to Europe. There are many reasons… Some are about distribution, some are about the companys economic acumen, so...
Tanteo Tequila - Flavoured tequila

Tanteo Tequila – Tequila with a flavour

We have know tequila as mixto and 100% agave in Europe for a number of years now. Some brands are multinational, like Cuervo, Herradura, Sierra etc. who mostly deal in mixtos, others are 100% agave, ...
6 great tequila and mezcal bottle designs

6 great tequila and mezcal bottle designs

Funny and beautiful tequila bottles is a somewhat contested area, when it comes to the noble art of being a true tequila connoiseur. Tequila has has almost always had a tradition for having eccentric...
5 things you need to know to be a tequila princess!

5 things that show you are a true Tequila Princess!

The princess has all the time in the world The tequila princess knows that the Blue Agave, from which tequila is made, takes at least 8 years to mature. She enjoys her tequila slowly – it has t...

Interview with Mike Morales

I am Bjørn Smalbro of Tequila.dk and this is a more personal interview with one my great inspirations, Mike Morales of Tequila Afficionado. When I began my journey into the world of tequila and mezca...
El Consuelo Tequila

El Consuelo Tequila – Interview

Facebook is a wonderful thing! When you browse around you are bound to find all sorts of strange and wonderful events, imagery, people and products. Lately posts regarding El Consuelo Tequila have st...
Did they put guns in my tequila?

Did they put guns in my tequila…?

5 tequilas and how they got their names The world of tequila is full of fantastic stories straight out of the colorful Mexican culture and history. We drink tequila while we enjoy good times with our...