The princess has all the time in the world
The tequila princess knows that the Blue Agave, from which tequila is made, takes at least 8 years to mature. She enjoys her tequila slowly – it has taken a long time to make it here.
Knowledge shows you have class
The tequila princess knows her agings! Blanco is fresh tequila. Reposado has aged for 2 months. Anejo has aged for 1 year and Extra Anejo has aged for 3 years
The princess can taste the difference!
The princess drinks only 100% Agave tequila! Suitors trying to please her with “the-tequila-with-the-red-hat” are sent home to their tepid beers!
The tequila princess is generous
Tequila is a generous spirit which spreads joy and happiness to whoever drinks it. Good tequila for truly happy company!
Sustainability is “in” at the tequila court
The tequila princess enjoys organic tequila because it tastes better and because the agave is part of an ecosystem with bats who pollinate the agave plants.